Stress and sleep - how to break the spiral

The vicious circle of stress and lack of sleep

Stress and lack of sleep have a negative effect on each other. Stress increases cortisol levels, making it more difficult to fall asleep. Lack of sleep leads to increased susceptibility to stress, which further exacerbates sleep problems. This can lead to serious health problems, including cardiovascular disease, a weakened immune system and mental exhaustion.

The effects of stress on sleep

  • Increased cortisol: Stress leads to increased production of cortisol, which makes it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep.
  • Racing thoughts: Stress can lead to thoughts not settling before sleep, which impairs sleep.
  • Physical symptoms: Muscle tension, increased heart rate and other physical symptoms of stress can disrupt sleep.

The effects of sleep deprivation on stress

  • Increased irritability: Lack of sleep makes you more susceptible to stress and can lead to increased irritability and emotional instability.
  • Poorer stress management: Without enough sleep, it is harder to deal with stress and overcome challenges.
  • Concentration problems: A lack of sleep can lead to concentration and memory problems, which further increases stress.

How can OFF DRINK help?

OFF DRINK ist ein pflanzliches GetränkepulverOFF DRINK is a herbal drink powder that has been specially developed to reduce stress and improve sleep. It contains a carefully selected blend of natural ingredients such as hops, valerian and various vitamins, which together have a calming effect and promote sleep quality.

Ingredients and their effects:
  • Hops: Known for their calming properties, hops promote relaxation and can relieve inflammation.
  • Valerian: Promotes sleep, relieves anxiety and stress and improves the quality of sleep.
  • Thiamine (vitamin B1): Strengthens the nervous system and supports the metabolism.
  • L-arginine: Promotes blood circulation and strengthens the immune system.
  • Vitamins B6 and B12: Support energy production and the nervous system.
  • Vitamins A, C and E: Strengthen the immune system and have an antioxidant effect.

Application and advantages

OFF DRINK should be consumed approximately half an hour before bedtime. The recommended starting dose is one drink per day for 24 days, followed by 12 drinks per month to maintain the effect.

Regular use of OFF DRINK can:

  • Improve the quality of sleep and stabilize the sleep rhythm.
  • Reduce stress and anxiety, which leads to a calmer sleep.
  • Strengthen the immune system and promote general health.
  • Increase everyday performance by supporting mental clarity and stamina.


Many users report a significant improvement in sleep quality and a reduction in stress after taking OFF DRINK. Some were even able to do without synthetic sleeping pills and experienced an increased quality of life and daytime energy.


The combination of natural ingredients in OFF DRINK offers an effective solution to break the vicious cycle of stress and lack of sleep. By promoting restful sleep and reducing stress, OFF DRINK can contribute to a healthier and more balanced life.

Natural remedies for insomnia