Application & effect


1. Month

one OFF DRINK® per day for 24 days

from the 2nd month

12 OFFDRINK® per month or as required

OFF DRINK® should be consumed about half an hour before going to bed. Dissolve the drink powder in 200 ml of water, shake or stir briefly and drink.

Our research has shown that optimal results are achieved when one OFF DRINK® is consumed in each of the first 12 days. This detoxifies the body and allows it to relax and regenerate. We then recommend consuming 12 OFF DRINK® per month, either spread as evenly as possible over the entire month or consuming one drink for 12 days. A targeted intake before particularly stressful events such as exams, travel, etc. is recommended.

Caution: To be on the safe side, no hazardous work should be carried out for several hours after ingestion and no motor vehicles should be driven. If pregnant, please consult a doctor before use. Do not consume more than one OFF DRINK® per day.

In particularly severe cases of insomnia, it may be necessary to consume 24 OFF DRINK® at a time instead of 12 in the first month. If you do not feel a satisfactory effect after the 6th day, you will have to take one drink a day for 24 days instead of 12.

Side effects: There are no known side effects.

Why do I only have to take 12 OFF DRINK® per month and not one drink every day?

Due to its specific ingredients, OFF DRINK only needs to be taken 12 days a month because these ingredients are designed to remain effective in the body over a longer period of time. Taking it for 12 days makes it possible to achieve the desired health benefits without having to take it every day.

In the first month, it is important to consume OFF DRINK daily for 12 days in a row. From the 2nd month onwards, OFF DRINK can either be continued as a cure with one drink 12 days in a row or the intake can be spread over the whole month (one drink every three days)

You can also take food supplements on the side. With vitaminized food supplements, please ensure that you do not exceed the permitted nutritional reference values for vitamins. You can find the nutritional reference values for OFF DRINK® here.

No, you can take medication alongside OFF DRINK® without any problems.

It is important to take it continuously. Start with the 24-day intake and then take 12 OFF DRINK® every month. Start as soon as you notice the first symptoms such as depression, irritability, anxiety, nervousness, sleep disorders, concentration problems, headaches and exhaustion. Ideally, you should start taking it during the premenopause, which usually starts between the ages of 45 and 50.

There are currently no studies on the daily intake of our ingredient valerian over a period of more than a few months. We therefore do not recommend taking it daily for several months.

This can happen in rare cases. In this case, we recommend not finishing the drink completely and leaving 2-3 sips. If you wake up during the night, take a sip to fall asleep again quickly.

We recommend taking it for at least 6 months. If you have only been taking OFF DRINK® because of sleep problems and the other benefits are irrelevant to you, you can try taking a break. If you have an OFF DRINK® subscription, you can cancel it at any time in your customer center or by sending an e-mail to us stop/cancel immediately. If symptoms such as tiredness, poor sleep, etc. occur again afterwards, you can continue taking OFF DRINK®.

Why do you recommend this, as I can take OFF DRINK® all the time?

You can, but symptoms such as insomnia, tiredness, stress, etc. can sometimes be reduced or even disappear completely due to changes in lifestyle, diet or other influencing factors. We don't want to sell you OFF DRINK® if it doesn't bring you any benefits. That's why a break is definitely worth a try.

OFF DRINK® can be recommended without restriction for children from the age of 12. OFF DRINK® is also generally safe for younger children, but the dosage should be lower. Depending on age, half or a third of the drink is sufficient.

Other sleeping pills should not be consumed together with OFF DRINK®, as this may impair the effect. Other herbal sleeping pills can be discontinued immediately. In the case of stronger sleeping pills, we recommend a gradual reduction, as otherwise withdrawal symptoms may occur. During the 24 days of taking OFF DRINK®, the dose of other sleeping pills can be reduced by half at first, for example, and then gradually reduced to zero.


The reaction to the different ingredients can vary from person to person. The sleep-promoting effect can be felt by many people after the first drink, as valerian works immediately. Optimal sleep behavior is usually achieved after 1-4 weeks. In terms of its effect on health, well-being/quality of life, performance, ongoing detoxification and support during the menopause, however, OFF DRINK® only develops its full effectiveness when taken regularly for 3-6 months or more.