Experience mit OFF DRINK®?


Below you will find an excerpt from testimonials that customers have sent us.

Today I would like to say THANK YOU for your great drink. We are all totally thrilled. Especially my mother. She has been sleeping with sleeping pills every day for at least 15 years. And since she started drinking the sleeping drink, she hasn't needed a sleeping pill since the fourth day. Simply brilliant! And above all, she has a completely different quality of life than before.

Birgit - from Austria

OFF DRINK was recommended to me because I sleep very little and poorly. I've already noticed a significant improvement in the quality of my sleep, it's getting better every night! And my wife also says that I am no longer so nervous and restless, which makes me very happy and satisfied.


Otto - from Germany

I bought the starter set from you because I was very unwell, had a bad cold and was suffering from depression. After the first few drinks I drank I felt much better, the vitamins in the drink have made me healthy again and my depression has disappeared - I can't believe it - I really need a refill - THANKS TO YOU

Sarah - from Germany

Can I please order another refill set by e-mail? I'm finally starting to feel better with sleep, but one thing is clear: I'm fit and full of energy during the day and I really want to keep drinking it because it tastes so good.


Eva - from Germany

I bought myself the healthy sleep drink. I drank one drink and was finally able to sleep deeply and soundly, which has never really been the case in my whole life, I would like to emphasize that I am 86 years old. Of course I ordered more powdered drinks.

Jakob - from Austria

Thank you for the prompt delivery. I am now sleeping much, much better and really very well with the drink and would never have imagined that I could start a new life again after 33 years of partly sleepless, wakeful nights and the last 12 years with strong sleeping pills! Thank you so much for this great invention


Judith - from Switzerland

A few weeks ago, an advertisement brought OFF DRINK to my attention. As I have been suffering from acute sleep disorders for over twenty-five years, I am very skeptical when I hear about new aids that promise better sleep. However, the "unusual" composition of the drink aroused my curiosity.

Due to my long suffering from insomnia with all its consequences, I now have extensive knowledge of medical aids in the form of natural remedies, prescription medication and therapies. During the first few years in the hands of conventional medicine, I was prescribed a lot of things and tried a few things. However, no lasting positive results were ever achieved! Today I can report that I am more than happy to have given in to my curiosity and tried OFF DRINK. However, after my initial astonishment at the positive effect, my skepticism had not completely given way to conviction. I had too many negative experiences from the past. From then on, I regularly drank my OFF DRINK just before going to bed. The first success came after the fourth drink. Now many more weeks have passed and my daily intake has changed my whole life in a very positive way. Falling asleep, sleeping through the night, getting the necessary rest from the day and thus regaining quality of life is now a matter of course and I am convinced that the drink will help many more people.

Wolfgang - from Germany

Ich habe euren Drink über einen Freund empfohlen bekommen. Ich durchlebe derzeit stark belastende Zeiten und ja hatte auch einige Zeit Psychopharmaka genommen. Ich konnte diese jedoch durch Euren Zaubertrunk ersetzen. Ihr habt mir geholfen endlich OHNE MEDIKAMENTE wieder tief und fest und vor allem gesund zu schlafen.

Franz - from Austria

After just the 4th drink I was able to achieve success and sleep like a log. I have been suffering from firomyalgia for 20 years and with this condition, sleep problems, both falling asleep and sleeping through the night, are a huge issue. Because if I can't sleep well, the pain is much worse! I can only recommend the drink.

Elisabeth - from Switzerland

I received the package yesterday. Thank you very much. I had 1 drink at 11.30pm and am up at 7.00am this morning

woke up. Finally slept through the first night, just great.

Antje - from Austria

I tried your product and my husband was so enthusiastic that he also wants to order it.

Andrea - from Germany