Sport and exercise for a good night's sleep

How activity can improve your night's sleep


Good sleep is essential for your health and well-being. However, many people struggle with sleep problems and are looking for natural ways to improve their night's rest. One effective and often overlooked solution is regular physical activity. Sport and exercise can have a significant impact on sleep quality by addressing various physiological and psychological mechanisms.

Why exercise improves sleep

  1. Regulation of the circadian rhythm:
    • Your circadian rhythm, also known as your internal clock, controls your sleep-wake cycles. Regular exercise helps to stabilize this rhythm by getting your body used to regular periods of activity and rest.
  2. Stress reduction and relaxation:
    • Exercise reduces stress hormones such as cortisol and promotes the release of endorphins, which act as natural mood enhancers. This contributes to general relaxation, which makes it easier for you to fall asleep.
  3. Improvement in sleep quality:
    • Research has shown that physical activity, especially aerobic exercise, can increase total sleep time and improve sleep quality. People who exercise regularly often report deeper and more restful sleep.

The best time for sport

  • In the morning:
    • Morning exercise can be particularly effective in waking up your body and synchronizing your circadian rhythm. It also helps to boost your energy levels for the day.
  • Afternoon:
    • Exercising in the afternoon or early evening can also be beneficial as your body temperature is at its highest at this time, which can improve muscle performance and endurance. However, it is important not to exercise too late as this could make it difficult to fall asleep.

Recommended activities for better sleep

  1. Aerobic training:
    • Activities such as running, cycling, swimming or dancing increase your heart rate and promote cardiovascular health, which can have a positive effect on your sleep.
  2. Strength training:
    • Resistance training helps to strengthen muscles and can also improve your sleep. However, it should be completed at least two hours before bedtime to ensure a sufficient cool-down phase.
  3. Yoga and stretching:
    • Yoga and gentle stretching exercises promote relaxation and reduce muscle tension. Evening yoga in particular can help to prepare the body and mind for sleep.

Practical tips for everyday life

  • Regularity:
    • Try to establish a regular exercise and movement routine. Consistency is the key to achieving long-term benefits for your sleep.
  • Hydration and nutrition:
    • Make sure you drink enough water and maintain a balanced diet. Avoid heavy meals and caffeine shortly before going to bed.
  • Optimize the sleeping environment:
    • A quiet, dark and cool sleeping environment promotes sleep. Invest in a good mattress and comfortable bedding.


Regular exercise is a natural and effective way to improve the quality of your sleep. By integrating exercise into your daily routine, you can not only promote your physical health, but also find a more restful and deeper sleep. Find the right activities for you and enjoy the many benefits of an active lifestyle - including a good night's sleep.

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